Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Josh-Sitters Club

Josh is spoiled and gets to see his GREAT grandparents, GiGi and Granpa Stanley, almost every week! They Josh-sit whenever we are in a bind. Who else would show up at your door at 5:55am with a smile?!

GiGi almost never shows up empty-handed. As a result, Josh has amassed a crazy collection of stuffed animals! He loves watching over his herd.

On days when Daddy has to travel back to Philly, Grandpa drops him off at the bus station and GiGi watches Josh until the handoff to Malou at 8am. Malou then has her hands full until Mommy or Daddy are finally home! Here are two recent pics she shared with us!

Finally, Daddy is home to play bubbles with Josh:

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