Thursday, May 29, 2008

13 Days Old... and Already a Sports Enthusiast

Josh had a big day yesterday. He watched his first lacrosse game -- Aunt Courtney was coaching -- but was too busy flirting with the ladies to pay much attention. Tonight Josh is going to cheer on Daddy in his softball game. No golf yet (watching it on t.v. doesn't count).

He is also much more alert these days, at least in between his naps. Still also very alert at 2am, even after he's been changed and fed. He enjoys exploring his fingers and tongue, yawning, hiccoughing, and peeing on a freshly changed outfit.

More pictures (and a video --he doesn't do much in this one, but gives a good smile at the end)...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a full and exciting Memorial Day Weekend. Josh got to meet all kinds of new people on Friday. Grandma and Grandpa visited from Indiana and Aunt Bess took the train down from Connecticut. Josh got lots of cool new outfits and blankets including a handmade "Wild Things" blanket from Grandma. He also got to meet Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Schlesinger. Josh shares his birthday with his great-grandma (and his daddy too).

We had a wonderful BBQ on Saturday and everyone got some excellent "JT time". It was so much fun to share Josh with the family.

Josh and his grandparents hang out.

Josh loves the animal blanket grandma made.

Two-generations born on the same day (Great-Grandma Helene)

Pop-Pop Legath and his grandkids.

Cousin Jack is very nice to Josh.

Aunt Bess and Josh

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Josh meets his cousins

Today Joshua had his first doctor's appointment -- and passed with flying colors (despite peeing on the doctor). His measurements are very different than what had been predicted by ultrasound -- he has a tiny head rather than the large noggin we were told he had! But mom and dad think he's perfect.
Josh is surprisingly strong and vigorous despite being small; it often takes both of us to hold him down for a diaper or clothing change. He can have a big presence, but you would never know it by his angelic look while he sleeps!

Yesterday he met his cousins, Jack and Will. Jack was sweet with Josh and liked how "soft and tiny" he is. Lucky for us Josh is able to borrow many of their baby clothes, car seat, playthings, etc.

This upcoming weekend he will meet his grandparents, great-grandparents, and Aunt Bess!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Joshua Goes Home

Joshua and Andrea came home today. Josh loves his new room. He has all kinds of stuffed animals.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wow this is hard work

Does anyone out there speak crying?! Actually, Josh is doing great. It just hard to decipher what screams are due to hunger, diaper needs or just wanting to be held. I guess you just try different things until he stops. He loves to be held by mommy and dad is not too bad of a surrogate.

Last night was much better. Dad was able to stay at the hospital to help mom deal with diaper changes. Things finally turned the corner when Josh figured out how to latch on. Go figure, a Bowers man who gets cranky when he's hungry.

Looks like we'll be heading home on Monday afternoon. Then the adventure really starts.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Joshua Day 2

We survived the first night. Andrea did a great job taking care of a screaming and fussy baby all night. Josh is so peaceful during the day but he was a handful last night. Andy wasn't able to help much as the dads get kicked out at 9:30.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Pictures of Josh and the Big Day

Hello World!! It's Joshua.

Well, today we welcomed Joshua Thomas Bowers into the world. He's a beautiful baby. He was alert and looking around from the very beginning (just like his mom and dad).

Today was a long day. We checked in to the hospital at 6am since we were the first case on the OR schedule. They took mom into the OR around 8:00am to get her set up with the anesthesia. Andrea looked as pretty as anyone could with a mesh knit cap. I went into the OR around 8:15. The total c-section procedure only took about 25 minutes. Our fabulous OB/GYN Dr. Ufberg got Joshua out nice and easy. He was wailing right away since he was not happy to leave the cozy environment mommy has provided over the past 9.5 months. The nurses cleaned him up quickly and gave him to me. He was all pink and so cute. After they finished with mom (which only took another 15 minutes) we got to spend an hour with Joshua post-op.

We finally got into the maternity ward around 1:30pm. Josh had received his first bath (a nice full scrubdown) and passed all his tests.

Andrea is resting nicely and Joshua is doing awesome. He's cooing alot, sticking out his tongue and making dad learn to change diapers on the go. He does really well when he laying on mommies chest. But he also seems to like it when daddy holds him.

Of course, we had so many great visitors today. MomMom and PopPop (Joan and Rege) were at the hospital the entire day sitting on the edge of their seats. They were so excited to have another male grandchild. We were also joined by Aunt Jenny, Aunt Courtney and Uncle Jeff. In fact, cousin Jack was one of the few to actually predict correctly that we'd have a boy. Kudos to Jack.

We're looking forward to more time tomorrow!!

We're so lucky.

Check out these two videos of our adventure.

Monday, May 12, 2008

April 12, 2008 -- Family Baby Shower!

Aunts Courtney, Bess and Jenny hosted a baby shower at "MomMom's" home
(click on it to view the wonderful invitation below --)

Both sides of the family joined together to celebrate the upcoming baby!

Bess brought an ADORABLE animal-themed cake.

Caryl revealed her project in the works -- a colorful, soft "Wild Things" blanket...

...which compliments perfectly the beautiful
"All Creatures Great and Small"
gender-neutral bedding from Joan.

Grandma Helene even knitted two precious sweaters
to keep the baby warm during its first winter.

Everyone was incredibly generous --
this baby is lucky to have such a wonderful family!

Ultrasound Images at 29 Weeks

This was the last week for ultrasound images... everything was growing perfectly as expected! Wiggling had turned into somersaults and hiccoughs at this point.

Ultrasound Images at 25 Weeks

At 25 weeks, the baby wouldn't sit still for a clear 3D image! This was also the same day we felt the baby wiggling around for the first time.