It's been a while since we've been able to do a post due to the move. All in all, we really enjoyed NYC. Josh had a very special time there. He developed some very close friends in Leone, Charlie, Mia and Eli. He got tight with Malou and was very sad when he realized we were leaving. We were able to celebrate a little bit before we left. Josh got to give Malou a good bye present.
Here Josh "helps" with the packing. Mommy almost taped up the box and shipped him to Australia.
A final visit to the 68th St park. Joshua loved going down the slides and climbing all over.
Goodbye to Leone.
New Jersey isn't all that bad. At least you get to drive here. This was the only way daddy survived a trip to the grocery.
Joshua's new wagon. We can take it for rides around the neighborhood (when it finally cools off a little) and make visits to our new friends. Joshua is a little surprised by how quiet the parks are here. There's never more than 2 or 3 kids at the park. It's as if he owns the place. Not like NYC where there's tons of people around.
Getting ready to cheer on Vandy.
A very nice visit to Grandma Legath. Josh had a wonderful time dancing and playing in the yard.

Showing off our counting skills . . kinda.
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