What a ham. Joshua, fresh and clean from a bath, loves to spend time with his mommy. Next time everyone visits you'd better watch out!!! Joshua has learned how to tickle, so he has a new favorite hobby.

MMM. An ice cream cone to finish off a fun weekend. What you don't see in this photos is that 1/2 of the cone ends up being fed to to a puppy and the other 1/2 ends up on daddy's shoe.

Chillin' in the park. What's up dude?

Special lunch at McD's. A rare treat.

The first part of Joshua's biathlon. A walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a beautiful Sunday morning. Joshua loved looking at all the helicopters and the boats as they passed by. He actually walked about 1/2 of the way over.

Now on the way back to Manhattan after a pick-me up of a chocolate danish at the bakery.

Josh and Leone enjoy the trip over to Brooklyn.

What a pretty view back toward Manhattan. Hard to believe that this bridge is almost 150 years old.

More pictures from the Brooklyn Bridge. Benedikt and Andrea look more rested before the walk across and back.

Preparing for event #2 of his Sunday biathlon. Joshua sports his Sesame Street bike helmet. He really, really enjoyed the 6+ mile tour around Central Park. Mommy did all the heavy lifting with Joshua on the back of her bike. Josh loved the hills and the first visit to a park on the west side of CP.
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