Sunday, March 7, 2010

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Josh had a very special set of Nannies the week of Feb 15-20. Malou was on vacation for the week so Caryl extended her weekend visit for a couple days. Bess came down to help on Monday. What an exciting time. They got to visit the park, zoo and had fun with Leone.

Then on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday G-G and G-Pa watched Josh while daddy worked. They visited the Natural History museum, library and had tons of fun playing with trains.

Josh is now in Florida visiting Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop while Andrea works at spring training. (For the Mets--BOO!! GO PHILLIES)

Andy can't wait for the two of them to be home soon.

Here are some pics from Tom and Caryl's visit in Feb.

Live from Times Square!!

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