Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Joshua!

Today is Josh's "half birthday"! We can't believe how quickly time is flying. Six months ago we met our little guy for the first time, a tiny, wrinkly, little thing; now he is an active, wriggly, boisterous little man! He has developed very specific tastes.

He likes sweet potatoes, bath time (or any opportunity to be "NakedBoy", Pink Hippo, Hootie (his Owl), mommy, daddy, walks in the stroller, and singing "Old MacDonald". He enjoys putting his foot in his mouth (literally).

He dislikes peaches and bananas, vitamins, changing clothes, and getting strapped into his carseat.

He has learned how to sit on his own, roll over, hold his bottle (almost), and squalk for attention.

Josh Day 1

Josh Day 180

Josh is going to try out for the remake of a Christmas Story: "I can't move my arms!!"

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