Joshua's newest stats are in -- at just over 3 months old he is 23 1/2" long (25th percentile) and 13 lbs, 14 ozs (70th percentile) -- so, yes, he is underheight for his weight. Time to pack away the 0-3mos clothes and whip out the 3-6mos size!
Check out his chubby legs in action.
He also has officially slept through the night for a few nights in a row now! He doesn't even bother to stir when Mommy's alarm clock goes off at 4:15am. Unfortunately, Mommy barely stirs at that point, either... This morning Daddy woke up to the greatest sound in the world, Josh giggling to himself. He's just so sweet!
Josh visited his Schlesinger cousins at their pool recently.

Daddy and Josh need to work on their tans!
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