Thursday, March 26, 2009

Josh Does Hawaii...

Josh went on a vacation to HAWAII!!!! Believe it or not, he was actually very well behaved on the 9 hour flight from Chicago to Maui -- which is a big feat considering he only slept about 2 hours total! He spent a lot of time flirting with the stewardesses.

Day 1 in Maui was a little overcast and we took a windy, hairpin, one-lane road through the North Shore... as you can see here, Josh mostly enjoyed the car ride... until he got carsick. Poor guy!

One of the next adventures was snorkeling. Josh enjoyed the breezy boat ride to Turtle Cove...

but had a little trouble figuring out the snorkeling gear.

He also just spent a lot of time relaxing -- more time with Mom and Dad instead of daycare!

Josh loved digging in the sand on the beach at Maui.
Our trip spanned March 17th, so of course our little Leprechaun had to get geared up for St. Patrick's Day.
Josh strolls along the grounds of the condo complex during cocktail hour...One of the definite highlights was a luau called "The Feast of Lele". Josh was mesmerized by the fiery torches and the dancing hula girls.

After 5 action-packed days in Maui we headed to the island of Oahu for Cousin Jon's wedding in Honolulu. The beaches were gorgeous but Josh was NOT a fan of the water...

...he much preferred digging sand pits with Cousin Pete.

The atmosphere in Hawaii was very relaxed.... "No shoes, no shirt, no problem!"

Josh gives Cousin Jon some last-minute advice before he gets hitched.

All the cousins had a great time celebrating!

It was a FANTASTIC vacation, nonetheless, jet lag does not treat a 10 month-old well...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mr. Activity

Clapping hands and trying to talk....

Learning how to walk! Cousin Will lent Josh this cool walking wagon.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mommy's Home!

So the boys survived five nights last week while Andrea was in Las Vegas. Andy had a lot of help from G-grandma who came down from NYC for two nights.
Josh has picked up some new tricks. He loves to clap his hands and he has learned to pinch. So everyone better watch out!!!!
He's now an expert crawler and loves to explore all the corners of the house. He'll pull himself up to standing on anything he can find and he's learning to play ball with daddy. Mommy and Daddy are going to have to bubble-wrap the house so its Joshy-proof.

He's now 20# 3oz and 28" tall, 50%ile for both.

We're so lucky that he's a good little kid and to have so many people close to us.

He loves playing with bubbles.