Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Lots to Celebrate in December!!

December felt like one long celebration!!! Lots of fun this month!!

Check out these cute pics of Andy and Josh 
playing "Heads Up!" at the Madisons'.

Regan checking out the loot at Aunt Courtney's baby shower
Holiday Tea Party/Ornament Exchange at Margo's house

Josh participated in his first piano recital and did a great job!

Josh and Kiran listen intently to their teacher, Christian.

The kids had a blast at the Riverton Country Club Christmas Celebration!

with buddy Alex Kaeser

Josh with Vikram and Layla Joshi

 Getting ready for Santa to come!

Regan had a slight pre-Christmas accident requiring
Dermabond and Steri-strips to the nose...

Christmas Eve!!

Christmas Day!! 
Santa left a letter for the kids along with some cookie crumbs!! 

Josh REALLY REALLY wanted a Lego Millenium Falcon --
and went straight to work piecing it together!

 Grandma and Grandpa came to visit 
the week between Christmas and New Years!

Josh dressed perfectly for the IU/Rutgers game.

School confusion

Meanwhile, the girls went to see Disney on Ice!!